
Our company has been working in the industry since 2017.
Using, real estate professionals can offer the auction process to their seller clients as a selling option.

Creating your FREE Verified REALTOR® account entitles you to the following benefits:

  •   Create unlimited auction drafts
  •   Free access to our exclusive auction course
  •   A trusted and compliant auction platform,
    built by REALTORS®, for REALTORS®
  •   Your ability to brand your own auction listings
  •   Support from the team at



Get started NOW with your FREE Verified REALTOR® account:

1)  Apply (free to apply, RECO and brokerage verification required)


2)  Once your account is verified, you’ll receive immediate access to our exclusive auction course

(course completion is required prior to listing an auction live on the platform)

3)  Create draft auctions in our platform

4)  When you are ready to go live with an auction listing, submit the listing for review and approval from the team at

5)  Once approved, submit your payment to immediately activate your listing!

Don’t wait, APPLY TODAY for your FREE VERIFIED REALTOR® account!